Supported Browsers

For the best portal experience, we recommend using the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. IE 11 is no longer supported by Microsoft. Most tablet and mobile versions of these browsers are also supported.

To upgrade to the latest version, click on your browser:

To check what browser version you are using, visit What Browser .


Browser Support for Portal Applications

We cannot guarantee that the browsers listed above will support all applications that are accessible through the portal. If you are having trouble viewing an application, use a different browser or check the application’s requirements page to learn what browsers are supported.

Note: The following applications do not support Internet Explorer (IE): ImmTrac2, Syntropi, VAOS.


Experiencing Display Issues?

If you are having issues viewing the portal, you may need to refresh your cache. Visit here to access instructions for this procedure.

For Microsoft Edge: If clearing your cache did not solve display issues, you may need to take additional steps. Visit here for more information.

If you are still experiencing display issues after performing the suggested steps, please contact the Help Desk at 512-438-4720.